What is RoboTrials' Trial Eligibility Screening System (TESS)?

"TESS digitizes, standardizes, and automates the clinical trial eligibility screening process"

Number of Clinical Trials Using TESS


How it Works

Request TESS

Place a request
Go to the RoboTrials website and request a quote for your trial.
Place an order
Review your quote, make the payment, and place your order.
TESS will be created within 14 days for your clinical trial. Access to the TESS portal and trainings will be provided to the clinical staff members at all of your clinical trial sites.


Sign in
Go to the RoboTrials website and launch TESS for your trial.
Screen a Patient
Enter your potential patients information and press screen.
If your patient is eligible, TESS will generate an eligibility checklist, file it, send enrollment emails to the study team, and make phone calls to notify the study team of the enrollment.